How much heat does a truckmount produce?
Hotter cleaning solution contributes to a healthier indoor environment. Dr. Michael Berry and his associates, on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, did two groundbreaking studies measuring the impact of deep restorative carpet cleaning (utilizing hotter cleaning solution) in 1991 and 1994. The “Denver” Study in 1991 and the “Frank Porter Graham” Study in 1994 greatly advanced our understanding of the interaction between cleaning and the indoor environment. The “Denver” Study mainly looked at whether they could actually even measure particulates, gas phase organics, and biological contamination in carpeting before, during, and after carpet cleaning. The “Frank Porter Graham” Study was a collaborative effort that involved participants from the cleaning industry utilizing “best industry practices” and deep cleaning methods for on-going cleaning and maintenance in a Child Development Center on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Airborne dust contaminants were reduced by 52%. Total Volatile Organic Compounds decreased by 49%. Total bacterial was reduced by 40%, and total fungi declined by 61%
The results of a 2010-2014 study conducted by Airmid Healthgroup, a leading research organization, talked about the measured effective of using hot water in extraction cleaning. As to the use of steam or water-based cleaning systems, the researchers suggest carpet extraction—and more specifically hot-water carpet extraction—is necessary to thoroughly clean carpets and remove deeply embedded soils and contaminants, helping to prevent them from becoming airborne. According to the researchers, “results show that the proprietary hot water extraction cleaning process was highly effective in reducing allergen levels in carpets and soft furnishings. Surface levels of dust mite allergens on carpets, for example, were reduced by 91 percent, of cat allergen by 95 percent, and of dog allergen by 97 percent. The cleaning process also resulted in a marked reduction in airborne cat allergen exposure. The process also effectively reduced exposure to airborne mold.”
Hotter cleaning solution also contributes to faster evaporation of residual moisture resulting in faster drying of the carpets and reducing “downtime.”
The simplest way to understand this question is ask yourself if you would wash dishes in cold water. Anyone can see that the heat helps melt away all the stuff left on dishes. The hot water helps kill any bacteria. And the dish detergent works better in hot water. This means the dishes come out cleaner and healthier and you don’t have to work so hard. In fact, if you have worked in in the kitchen area of a restaurant, you know that health department regulations often require that the temperature of the water in the dishwasher always remain above 130◦F. Why? Because the sanitizing effects of hotter cleaning solution temperature has long been recognized. It only makes sense the same effect would take place in carpeting that is generally constructed of a synthetic plastic material.