Landing Your First Water Loss Jobs
Landing Your First Water Loss Jobs
It’s one thing to be prepared to take on water damage restoration jobs, it’s another thing entirely to secure that work and build your business. For that, you will need a marketing plan, but it’s unlikely the marketing plan that serves your carpet cleaning business will transfer directly over to water restoration projects.
Carpet cleaning is something people look for when their house starts to feel dirty, or they are getting ready to sell and need to spruce it up. Water damage restoration, on the other hand, is what homeowners and businesses need during and after an emergency. This isn’t a service that they shop for well in advance—it’s something they track down when they need it most.
So, where do customers come from in this industry? Insurance agents and property managers are a great place to start as these individuals are likely to have a water-related emergency at one point or another. The best strategy is to begin marketing to these folks before they have a need for water damage restoration. So when pipes burst, the basement floods, or storms hit, your name is top of mind.
Of course, once you do get a job or two from these channels, the best marketing you can do is to perform excellent work for a fair price. Nothing works quite like word of mouth in this business.