Make sure you go to a reputable shop!! Can you trust your truckmount mechanic

Make sure you go to a reputable shop!! Can you trust your truckmount mechanic

Guys we just want to remind you of something that may seem obvious and usually common sense... GO TO A REPUTABLE SHOP! Don’t get sweet talked into thinking your equipment is in good hands! Please be careful. Examine the shop, look at the mechanic, ask how long they’ve been open or in the industry, ask their training. Does the shop change mechanics often? Can you trust them to back up their work? Have you heard any stories good or bad from your friends? 
Remember, you get what you pay for, exactly like your customers who use you for carpet cleaning. 

You would be shocked at all the stories we hear! And all the things we see Mickey moused instead of done the professional way  

We appreciate every single customer we have and will always do our best by you guys! 
Have a great week!

